Arm Lift

Arm Lift

Arm Lift can be performed under local anesthesia assisted more sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the case to treat.

Like any surgical procedure should be performed in a highly complex operating room, the patient should be evaluated prior to a routine preoperative laboratory with ECG and surgical risk.

Arm Lift is not a painful procedure, or postoperative pain with the provision of adequate.

The length of the Arm Lift surgery ranges from 1 to 2 hours and a half may not require hospitalization.

For recovery patient should keep his arms high during sleep to decrease postoperative inflammation and edema.

Left in the aftermath of this surgery that will hide a scar on the inside of the arms.

The stitches are removed after a week, depending on healing.

It is appropriate in the post-operative use for a few weeks of a garment which help to reduce edema.



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