Follicular Micrografting

Follicular Micrografting

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia plus sedation assisted by a specialist if necessary. It is painless, takes about 3 hours. This outpatient procedure which means that, once finished, the patient can withdraw to their own home. It does not require any rest could return to their normal duties within 24 hours.

One of the most notable differences between this procedure and that of others is its finality and the hair is removed from an area that is not genetically predisposed to the fall of it, besides the hair in place is unable to be rejected by the same patient.

Donor site: The specialist flush cut the hair of a horizontal strip in the area of continuing growth, or on the neck or on the sides of his head (as applicable).

Then cut the strip of skin surgically shaved, generally measured 1.5 cm wide and 8 to 19 cm long, and stitching together the edges of the wound resulting, leaving the scar hidden by hair of the area.

Using specialized technology of last generation is splitting every 2 mm. Each fraction of follicular units is extracted from 1.2 to 3 and hair follicles. This task is performed by a team of extensively trained assistant several people.

Recipient site:
We make a specific design for each patient in unpopulated areas (affected by hair loss) according to their appearance, and then implement each of the hair follicles along the hair's natural inclination of each region. This surgery use highly sensitive instruments which make it easier to achieve higher density while preserving the blood supply.
The number of follicular units ranges from 800 to 1800 according to the density of the patient in the giver. The follicular units are 1, 2, 3 and some up to 4 hairs, thus the amount of implanted hair is approximately 1800 to 4500.

Hair Transplant

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